

  • Méresse S, Gateau H, Tirnan T, Larrigaldie V, Casse N, Pasetto P, Mouget JL, Mortaud S, Fodil MHaslea ostrearia Pigment Marennine Affects Key Actors of Neuroinflammation and Decreases Cell Migration in Murine Neuroglial Cell Model. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Mar 11;24(6):5388. doi: 10.3390/ijms24065388.
  • Peticca A, Fodil M, Sabot F, Chénais B, Casse N. The reproducibility of the bacterial community present in the cultures of the marine diatom Haslea ostrearia. PREPRINT. DOI:


  • Peticca A., Fodil M., Gateau H., Mouget J.-L., Sabot F., Chénais B., Casse N. 2022. Complete mitochondrial genome and draft chloroplastic genome of Northern Atlantic Haslea ostrearia (Gaillon/Bory) Simonsen, 1974 (Naviculaceae, Bacillariophyceae). bioRxiv.
  • F.S. Prasetiya, W. Destiarani, R.F. Nuwarda, F.G. Rohmatulloh, W. Natalia, M.T. Novianti, T. Ramdani, M. U. K. Agung, S. Arsad, L.A. Sari, P. Pitriani, S. Suryanti, G. Gumilar, J-L. Mouget, M. Yusuf, 2022. The nanomolar affinity of C-phycocyanin from virtual screening of microal- gal bioactive as potential ACE2 inhibitor for COVID-19 therapy. Journal of King Saud University – Science. doi: 10.1016/j.jksus.2022.102533
  • Górecka, E., Dąbek, P., Davidovich, N., Davidovich, O., Tremblay, R., Belzile, C., Gastineau, R. & Witkowski, A. 2022. Life history of the diatom Schizostauron trachyderma: cell size and lipid accumulation. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:793665, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.793665
  • Gabed N., Verret F.,  Peticca A.,  Kryvoruchko I., Gastineau R., Bosson O., Séveno J.,   Davidovich O. , Davidovich N.,  Witkowski A., Bent J., Khitem A., Ioannou E., Koutsaviti A., Roussis V., Gateau H.,  Phimmaha S., Leignel V., Badawi M., Khiar F., Francezon N., Fodil M.,  Pasetto P., J-L Mouget.   What was old is new again: the pennate diatom Haslea ostrearia (Gaillon) Simonsen at the multi-omic age. Mar. Drugs 20, 234. md20040234
  • Zebiri I., Jaquette B., Francezon N., Herbaut M., Latigui A., Bricaud S., Tremblay R., Pasetto P., Mouget J.-L., Dittmer J. 2023. The Polysaccharidic Nature of the Skeleton of Marennine as Determined by NMR Spectroscopy. Marine Drugs, 21(1), 42,
  • Dąbek P, Gastineau R, Bornman TG, Lemieux C, Turmel M, Hallegraeff G, Mouget J-L and Witkowski A. 2022. The blue diatom Haslea ostrearia from the Indian Ocean coast of South Africa, with comparative analysis of Haslea organellar genomes. Mar. Sci. 9:950716. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.950716
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  • Gastineau R, Li C, Ashworth MP, Witkowski A, Turmel M, Górecka E, Frankovich TA, Wachnicka A, Lobban CS, Theriot EC, Otis C, Dąbek P, Binczewska A and Lemieux C (2022) A New Insight Into Amicula, a Genus of Tiny Marine Benthic Diatoms With the Description of Two New Tropical Species and the Largest Mitogenome Known for a Stramenopile. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:941506. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.941506
  • Rebiha A., Mouget J.-L., Pruvost J., Chentir I., Loiseau C., Bey Baba Hamed M. 2022. Effects of temperature, irradiance and pH on the growth and biochemical composition of Haslea ostrearia batch-cultured in an airlift plan-photobioreactor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 106:5233–5247. org/10.1007/s00253-022-12055-1.



  • Bonnanfant M., Marec H., Jesus B., Mouget J.-L., Pruvost J. 2021. Investigation of the photosynthetic response of Chlorella vulgaris to light changes in a torus-shape photobioreactor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 105 : 8689–8701, org/10.1007/s00253-021-11636-w
  • Bouhlel Z., Arnold A.A., Deschênes J.-S., Mouget J.-L., Warschawski D. E., Tremblay R., Marcotte I. 2021. Investigating the action of the microalgal pigment marennine on Vibrio splendidus by in vivo 2H and 31P solid-state NMR. BBA – Biomembranes 1863(9) org/10.1016/j.bbamem.2021.183642
  • Francezon N., Herbaut M., Bardeau J.-F., Cougnon C., Bélanger W., Tremblay R., B.J., Dittmer J., Pouvreau J.-B., Mouget J.-L., Pasetto P., (2021) Electrochromic Properties and Electrochemical Behavior of Marennine, a Bioactive Blue-Green Pigment Produced by the Marine Diatom Haslea ostrearia. Drugs , 19(4), 231;
  • Francezon N., Tremblay A., Mouget J.-L., Pasetto P., & Beaulieu L., (2021) Algae as a Source of Natural Flavors in Innovative Foods. Journal of Agricultural and fodd chemistry; 69 (40), 11753-11772 ; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.1c04409 .
  • Gastineau, R., Hansen, G., Poulin, M., Lemieux, C., Turmel, M., Bardeau J.-F., Leignel V., Hardivillier Y., Morançais M., Fleurence J., Gaudin P., Méléder V., Cox E., Davidovich N.A., Davidovich O., Witkowski A., Kaczmarska I., Ehrma J.M., Soler Onís E., Martel Quintana A., Mucko M., Mordret S., Sarno D., Jacquette B., Falaise C., Séveno J., Lindquist N., Kemp Jr P.S., Eker-Develi E., Konucu M., Mouget J.-L. 2021. Haslea silbo, a novel cosmopolitan species of blue diatoms. Biology, 10(4), 328, https://
  • Gastineau R., Davidovich N.A., Davidovich O., Lemieux C., Turmel M., Wrobel R.J., Witkowski A. 2021. Extreme Enlargement of the Inverted Repeat Region in the Plastid Genomes of Diatoms from the Genus Climaconeis. Int J Mol Sci. 22(13):7155. doi: 10.3390/ijms22137155.
  • Górecka, E.; Gastineau, R.; Davidovich, N.A.; Davidovich, O.I.; Ashworth, M.P.; Sabir, J.S.M.; Lemieux, C.; Turmel, M.;Witkowski, A. 2021. Mitochondrial and Plastid Genomes of the Monoraphid Diatom Schizostauron trachyderma. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 11139. 10.3390/ijms222011139
  • Nghiem Xuan R., Mouget J.-L., Turpin V., Jaouen P., Pruvost J. 2021. Optimization of the growth and marennine production by the diatom Haslea ostrearia in photobioreactor. Algal Research 55; org/10.1016/j.algal.2021.102251
  • Risjani Y., Witkowski A., Kryk A., Yunianta, Goreck E., Krzywda M., Safitri I., Sapar A., Dabek P., Arsad S., Gusev E., Rudiyansyah, Peszek L., Wrobel R.J. 2021. Indonesian coral reef habitats reveal exceptionally high species richness and biodiversity of diatom assemblages. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 261, 107551;
  • Rybak M, Witkowski A, Peszek Ł, Kociolek JP, Risjani Y, Nguyen DH, Zhang J, Yunianta, Nguyen VD, Gastineau R, Duong TT, Rosa P, Meleder V. 2021. Marine and brackish Luticola D.G.Mann (Bacillariophyta) species from the Java Sea and South China Sea coasts with the description of three new species. PhytoKeys 183: 115–142.


  • Gastineau R., Hamedi C., Bey Baba Hamed M., El-Amine Abi-Ayad S-M., Bąk M., Lemieux C., Turmel M., Dobosz S., Wrobel R.J., Kierzek A., Lange-Bertalot H., Witkowski A. 2021. Morphological and molecular identification reveals that waters from an isolated oasis in Tamanrasset (extreme South of Algerian Sahara) are colonized by opportunistic and pollution-tolerant diatom species. Ecological Indicators 121, 107104, 
  • Gastineau R., Lemieux C., Turmel M., Grypioti E., Verret F., Makris A., Argiriou A., Kafetzopoulos D., Stratidaki I., Carrier G., Jacquette B., Mouget J.-L. 2020. Two new bacilladnaviruses associated with the diatom Haslea ostrearia. European Journal of Phycology 55 (org/10.1080/09670262.2020.1748723).
  • Nghiem Xuan R., Safitri I., Mouget J.-L., Pruvost J., Turpin V., Jaouen P. (2020). Design of an artificial culture medium to optimize Haslea ostrearia biomass and marennine production. Algal Research 45; org/10.1016/j.algal.2019.101653.
  • Nguyen D.H., Lemieux C., Turmel M., Pham T.B., Nguyen V.D., Mouget J.-L, Tremblay R. & Gastineau R. 2020. Complete mitogenome of the noble volute Cymbiola nobilis from the Vietnamese Island of Phú Quốc Mitochondrial DNA Part B.5:2, 1661-1662. doi: 10.1080/23802359.2020.1747369
  • Prasetiya F.S., Decottignies P., Tremblay R., Mouget J.-L., Sunarto S., Iskandar I., Dhahiyat Y., Cognie B. 2020. Not only greening: the effects of marennine produced by Haslea ostrearia on physiological traits of three bivalve species. Aquaculture Reports (org/10.1016/j.aqrep.2020.100546).
  • Prasetiya F.S., Sunarto S., Bachtiar E., Agung M.U.K., Rijstabel B.N., Pambudi A.C., Lestari A.D., Astuty S., Mouget J.-L. 2020. Effect of the blue pigment produced by the tropical diatom Haslea nusantara on marine organisms from different trophic levels and its bioactivity Aquaculture Reports (org/10.1016/j. aqrep.2020.100389).


  • Athanasakoglou A., and Kampranis S. (2019) Diatomsisoprenoids: Advances and biotechnological potential, New Phytologist: 1016/j.biotechadv.2019.107417
  • Arsad S., Stavrakakis C., Turpin V., Rossa P., Risjani Y., Sari L.A., Prasetiya F.S. & Mouget J-L.,  (2019), Optimization of diatom Haslea ostrearia cultivation in different mediums and nutrients, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. 236 012044
  • Falaise C., Cormier P., Tremblay R., Audet C., Deschênes J.S., Turcotte F., François C., Segeref A., Hallegraeff G., Lindquist N., Sirjacobs D., Gobert S., Lejeune P., Demoulin V., Mouget J.L., (2019), Harmful or harmless: Biological effects of marennine on marine organisms, Aquat Toxicol.; 209:13-25.
  • Falaise C., James A., Travers M.-A., Zanella M., Badawi M. Mouget J.-L. (2019). Complex relationships between the blue pigment 3 marennine and marine bacteria of the genus Vibrio. Marine Drugs 17, 160; doi:10.3390/md17030160
  • Poulin M., Méléder V., Mouget J.-L. (2019). Typification of the first blue pigmented diatom, Haslea ostrearia (Gaillon) Simonsen (Bacillariophyceae). Plant Ecology and Evolution, 152: 402-408.
  • Prasetiya F.S., Gastineau R., Poulin M., Hardivillier Y., Syakti A.D., Lemieux C., Widowati I., Falaise C., Turmel M., Risjani Y., Iskandar I., Subroto T., Mouget J.-L., Leignel V. (2019). Haslea nusantara, a new blue diatom from the Java Sea, Indonesia: Morphology, biometry and molecular characterization. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 152: 188-202.
  • Prasetiya F.S., Decottignies P., Tremblay R., Mouget J.-L., Cognie B. (2019). Does culture supernatant of Haslea ostrearia containing marennine affect short-term physiological traits in the adult blue mussel Mytilus edulis? Aquaculture Reports.


  • Athanasakoglou A., Grypioti E., Michailidou S., Ignea C., Makris A.M., Kalantidis K., Massé G., Argiriou A., Verret F., Kampranis S. C., (2018)  Isoprenoid biosynthesis in the diatom Haslea ostrearia, New Phytologist :
  • Nguyen D. H., Lemieux C., Turmel M., Nguyen V. D., Mouget J-L., Witkowski A., Tremblay R., Gastineau R., (2018) Complete mitogenome of Cerithidea obtusa, the red chut-chut snail from the Cần Giờ Mangrove in Vietnam, Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3:2, 1267-1269.
  • Gastineau R., Prasetiya F. S., Falaise C., Cognie B., Decottignies P., Morançais M., Méléder V., Davidovich N., Turcotte F., Tremblay R., Pasetto P., Dittmer J., Bardeau J-F., Pouvreau J-B. & Mouget J-L. (2018) Marennine-Like Pigments: Blue Diatom or Green Oyster Cult? In Blue Biotechnology.
  • Perkins, R., Williamson, C., Lavaud, J., Mouget J.-L. and Campbell D. A., (2018) Time-dependent upregulation of electron transport with concomitant induction of regulated excitation dissipation in Haslea diatoms, Photosynth Res (2018). .


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  • Prasetiya, F.S., Decottignies, P., Barillé, L., Gastineau, R., Jacquette, B., Figiel, A., Morançais, M., Tremblay, R., Mouget, J.-L., Cognie, B. 2017. Cell size-based, passive selection of the blue diatom Haslea ostrearia by the oyster Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Molluscan Studies 83 (2): 145-152.
  • Prasetiya, F.S., Comeau, L.A. Gastineau, R., Decottignies, P., Cognie, B.  Morançais, M., Turcotte, F. Mouget, J,-L., Tremblay, R., 2017. Effect of  marennine produced by the blue diatom Haslea ostrearia on behavioral, physiological and biochemical traits of juvenile Mytilus edulis and Crassostrea virginica. Aquaculture 467: 138-148.